Wednesday, October 28, 2009

COLOR - What's In?

I know the fashion and design industry feels the need to inform all of us as to what trends are in and not in. Color is a big one that I deal with on a daily basis. Clients ask me all the time what colors are in right now? Maybe I'm out of the loop on this but I really feel that it shouldn't matter when it comes to decorating your home. You are going to select colors that you will be looking at for more than a year and as you know next year the colors will have changed. My advice... if you love fuscia and lime green, go for it!

I think we should select colors based upon how they make us feel. If you want your bedroom to be warm and cozy feeling, select the colors that make you feel that way. If you want your office to help you feel motivated and creative... select those colors.

I'm working on decorating my office in bright orange, lime green and I may even add a little bright fuscia! Why not? These colors make me smile and charge me. It's my office and I can do what I want!

What are your thoughts on color?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Design Doodlism

Interior design to me is ... creating a unique environment that is functional as well as beautiful to the individual homeowner(s). I want to help people create their unique environments. Not copy what is in the magazines or model homes. I enjoy re-using what a homeowner already has and loves, not replace everything. Yes, I'm soft and may incorporate something into a design that another designer may deem hideous, but if the client loves it, it deserves to be represented. That's just me :)